Friday, July 31, 2009

nearly finished

as i brainstormed for one idea, i came up with another.

here is a TEST run, i did at my house. i will obviously take location, lighting, and better usage of the magic wand into more consideration for the actual project. i have found a location and waiting for the weather to clear up to shoot.

anyways, here is that test run

it starts with one photo of myself, then the second photo includes all of the previous photos plus an extra one. the idea is to show the different parts of a person's personality etc. i will change clothes for each photo. in this example i wear the same thing every time.

Thursday, July 23, 2009

i changed my mind again

i got an idea while at work today.

im going to stick with this one.

it is fun.

i will be dressed up in business attire in every photo.
i will show myself in different scenes related to "work" etc etc.
the whole idea is "what i dont want to be when i grow up"
and this whole book is a statement with me denying the chance of me being a boring uptight person who lets a job overtake his life in a negative way.

more on the way.

new ideas

im not happy with my previous book idea, it isnt something i want to do anymore.

my newer udea expounds on something i have done previously that i really like.
the photos have a surreal feel to them. it's like almost like a post apocalyptic story.

here is an example

as far as layout goes, i am still using the standard landscape blurb book, full bleed. artist statement on this inside cover, very similar book cover to my old book idea as far as layout goes. (obviously i will change the image behind the text and change the font)

ill tell you more later. i need to split for now