Tuesday, June 9, 2009


im debating on whether or not i want to go through with my current idea.
after taking some sample panoramic photos, and working with the photomerge tool in photoshop, im starting to see a lot of problems i am going to run into with my idea. right now im in the brainstorming process and asking myself exactly what i want to accomplish with the panoramic idea. there's definitely a chance for a change in concept. by next week i will know for sure if it's one or the other.


  1. I like your original Idea, so I would suggest using the issues to make this unique. If not I can't wait to see your new idea. -sky

  2. Maybe try one of the ideas you never used for your series???

    In the mean time, come help me by modeling for my project! haha :)

  3. Awww I really liked your idea! I hope you can find a way to make it work! Trying going out to Jay, plenty of open fields/roads! haha I'm sure whatever you decide to do will be awesome!

  4. Good luck for that! Sounds awesome.

  5. Good luck with all the brainstorming and problem solving. :) I can understand how this would be a really challenging idea, especially if you're working alone.

  6. I applaud your dedication to picking a topic that you feel comfortable photographing. Sometimes taking panoramic images is hard. From what I have heard there seems to be specialized cameras that take panoramic photos. It may be hard to do if you don’t have the right technology.

    --Nick Miller

  7. grocery cart perspective photography? i don't know. good luck with the brainstorm.

  8. I really like this idea so I hope you are able to resolve the problems you are having. Good luck with the brainstorming!


  9. I like the original idea too, but of course it's up to you. Looking forward to what you might come up with.


  10. Your idea reminds me of flip books I had to create for commercial art classes. I am looking forward to the scenes.


  11. For this, I am not so sure that a seamless image is necessary, unless it just looks totally off, I do not think you should abandon it totally. I agree that some strangeness will make it unique and give it character. Like people.

    I do however trust your judgment--but do not let the push for perfection skew your ideas of what could possibly add to the image.


  12. I know how frustrating this can be. I'm excited to see what you end up doing. I like Kyla's idea a lot. I'd love to see you pursue that.

  13. Good luck with everything! I hope you figure something out! Sometimes its fun when you encounter problems with your projects because you find ways to work with them, making your project really unique. I really liked your idea though! Good Luck!

    Melissa :)

  14. I don't think it'd be the end of the world is the panoramic photo was all patchy and not seamless... I mean i think the lines and divisions created would be visually interesting.... plus the large scale will give you some cool points. don't give up so easily...

  15. good luck with your brainstorming process. im sure it will not lead you astray.

  16. I have to say that I really love you original idea! I hope that you can maybe find someone who can help you with the problems you are encountering. Keep us posted on some of your new concept ideas if you decide to change so that we can offer some help in developing your concept! Good luck!

